Mercer International Middle School

Mercer International
Middle School
Student Life

Out-of-School Time Program

Mercer Out-of-School Time Program

Seattle Parks and Recreation aims to bridge the gap between communities and school by creating programs that are culturally relevant and reflective of the community we serve. All CLC programming is provided free of charge to Mercer students thanks to the Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise Levy.

The Mercer CLC offers the following programs:

Spring Session: March 10, 2025 – May 23, 2025

No program on the following dates: April 14-18 (Spring Break)

The O.S.T. program offers a range of academic achievement, enrichment, and recreation programs/activities that support the overall success of all students. Programs available for Spring Semester:

List of after school programs with brief descriptions

The O.S.T. program offers a range of academic achievement, enrichment, and recreation programs/activities that support the overall success of all students. Program will be held according to the following schedule:

Session 1: October 15, 2024 – January 17, 2025

No program on the following dates: October 14, November 11, November 28, November 29, December 12, December 20, December 23 – January 3 (Winter Break)

The Parks Academy of Learning is a summer program that is geared to provide students with a jump start on the next academic year. Students participate in mini lessons in core subject matters (Math, ELA, & Reading) along with socio-emotional development workshops and recreational activities.

Student enrolled in this program are selected and invited to participate by administration based on end of year progress with core subject matters; as well as offered to incoming sixth graders as a transition to middle school.

Breakfast and Lunch are provided to students daily. Transportation is available based on need.

The Summer 2025 Parks Academy of Learning will take place at the current Old Van Asselt Site, 7201 Beacon Ave S.

Dates: Monday June 30th – Friday July 25th.  No Camp on Friday July 4th.

Times: 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM (2:30PM on Fridays to accommodate Field Trips)

“Quality afterschool programs provide safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills.”

Register for After School Programming

Registration for CLC programming can be completed online, using the links above.  Paper forms are also available for students and can be picked up and returned in two locations, the main office and Portable 4.

For assistance, you can contact Cameron Roth at 206-423-2070 or 206-252-8031.